Apple Tests Face Scanning for New iPhone

For its redesigned iPhone you might be unlocking your phone with your face instead of with your fingerprints. According to Bloomberg, Apple is working on implementing a new 3D sensor into the new iPhone. This new sensor could replace the Touch ID fingerprint scanner as the login mechanism for the newest iPhone, coming out in a couple short months.

What we know

Apple is purchasing 3D cameras for devices, and along with their 2013 purchase of PrimeSense, all things point to Apple quickly implementing 3D facial recognition technology. It makes sense for this new technology to be implemented for the iPhone 8's release.
However, these 3D technologies could just underline Apple's interest in the ever growing augmented-reality (AR) scene. Apple announced at WWDC this year its ARKit iOS development platform for developers to produce AR apps for iPad and iPhone. The toolkit has support for Unity, SceneKit, and Unreal Engine and is the largest AR platform in the world, according to Apple. The new 3D sensor greatly benefits the native support in the ARKit world.
Given that there are less than 2 months now until the new iPhone is expected to be announced, it is possible that this technology will make its way into later Apple products. Hopefully not.


As a replacement for the fingerprint scanner, this improved security system will not only be safer but also faster. The sensor's speed and accuracy are key here as the scanner will take more data points than the Touch ID system, which makes it more secure. Apart from logging in, Apple is also looking for this technology to be used for making secure payments and launch secure apps by scanning your face.
Key to this implementation to this facial recognition technology is the 3D sensor which means, unlike other facial recognition software, someone will be unable to access your phone with a 2D picture. 
Another useful feature is the speed with which the sensor could work, as quick as 0.2 seconds. Despite the security and convenience of the Touch ID fingerprint scanner, the more prints added to the user's account, the slower the login process. Since everyone has just one face, this makes for an inherently faster login as opposed to analyzing up to 10 different fingerprint scans. 
The 3D scanner for facial login, FaceID anyone, should also be usable from a flat surface, so there should be no need to hold it up to your face.

10th Anniversary

Apple is expected to announce the most revolutionary iPhone in years to mark a decade of phenomenal growth and success. Previously we covered the detailed list of rumors that had been swirling around the new iPhone. Given the persistent rumors of Apple going with an all display design, removing the fingerprint reader goes a long way towards confirming this.
Hopefully, Apple has gone through proper testing - remember the debacles of "antenna gate" and "bend gate"? The latest rumors confirm that Apple is testing this new face scanning technology but we also know that Apple wants to get any new feature just right. 
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